Successful fundraiser at Dunsborough Park's Tulip Festival

The Trust was delighted to be asked to host a tea and cake stall once again for Dunsborough Park’s annual tulip festival. Dunsborough Park is well known for its annual display of tulips and welcomes over 200 visitors each day during the festival. Luckily for us the weather was sunny although the winds were slightly brisk making our offerings of hot drinks, sausage rolls and delicious selection of cakes, cookies and tray bakes all the more appealing. We raised nearly £900 on the day which is a fantastic result! These funds will go towards our Schools Awards for this year. We would like to thank all the SGT members that kindly contributed cakes and helped on the day. These wonderful volunteers were certainly busy having served over 200 people during the course of the day. Many thanks for this great team effort.

Photo credit: Denis Kellaway